World Online Music Competitions Organization
Guillaume Bénoliel
"I was born in Paris. I am a seven-years old pianist. My inspirations in terms of musical style or composers are pieces with beautiful stories: for example, the Concerto du chat with Tom and Jerry, Pierre et le Loup by Sergei Prokofiev, the Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saëns, and others... I can recognize many musical works by heart when i listen to the life story of Chopin, Mozart, and Bach. It's still a game for me!
I was born into a music family lover and immersed in a musicality world from birth. I study the piano at the Conservatory in France soon to be 2 years. Just one year old, I was still sitting on my mom’s lap and already playing the piano keys. My attraction to music and the piano was natural and obvious. Likewise, with all the other instruments that I could have at home (violin, guitar, small drum, harmonica, maracas). I love to have fun and participate in my own way i play piano regularly, 1 hour a day, if possible after school. I choose quiet moments, I feel good, to have fun playing. It is
a pleasure for sharing with ma family by a little concert in the evening before going to sleep.
I like music because it allows me to express many different feelings: the piano can be violent, it can be sad, happy and it can even play like an orchestra, as if several instruments were playing together. When I play music, I feel good, I am happy; I like to share these joyful moments. Apart from musical activities, I practice swimming 2 or 3 times a week in a competition club. I play soccer with friends and mountain bike in the forest. I love science and I can recognize the constellations in the sky. I like drawing.
By internet during the confinement, I’ve been registered the season 2 in 2020. Since then, I have participated in all seasons, season3, season 4 and the final LYM 2020-2021! I would love to come and play a concert in London and visit the Harry Potter park! Playing a concerto with an orchestra is very interesting, it is a group’s work. I like to play with an orchestra. This is the reason i have prepared this Bach Concerto BWV 1056 for the London Young Musician of the Year during the confinement with my teacher. Due to the lockdowns in France, the rehearsals with orchestra have been canceled but my passion doesn’t stop. Follow this situation, my teacher proposes me to record the performance with him, with a second piano for the orchestra. For recording, i play in a very different way between each day. Because my teacher, told me that I progress very fast. I’m getting better and better at my level. Preparing for a piano competition online just like playing in public is a pleasure for me to share my passion with the people in the world.
London Young Musician is a very well-organized contest, i’ll encourage more little children to join it and it is a nice idea to receive trophies and awards. I am proud to have won gold prizes for 3 seasons, these experiences are important for me and I have done the best for LYM seasons. I waited impatiently for my trophy and was very proud to show it to all my family. It is a great satisfaction and a great reward to share my musical work with other pianists around the world.
The next step for me is to continue to play the piano and to progress further to acquire a higher level. The next step is also to continue to please me and play my other instrument violin. Playing music is a sharing with others, the contest allows us to validate our work and also to see how we progress.
I like London Young Musician, thanks for giving this chance for me, I’m happy to share my music with the whole community London Young Musician and listen to other musicians playing magnificent works."