Lyam Chenaux - 2022 ECM Grand Prix Winner
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Lyam Chenaux was born in Switzerland in 2009, and at a very young age, he chose to play the cello. He quickly showed exceptional musical qualities, and at the age of 8, he won a first prize at the Jeunesses Musicales Suisse competition. At the age of 9, he joined the Ministrings of the Lausanne Conservatory (directed by T. Strinning and B. Batt), which allowed him to develop his skills in stage expression, improvisation, jazz and to perform in many countries.
Particularly appreciating public concerts, Lyam had the chance to play in various festivals and concerts in the region from a very young age. At the age of 10, Lyam played for the first time as a soloist at the Somak Academy in Biel, with the Budweis Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by David Svec. On this occasion, he met Denis Severin, who is currently his teacher at the Zakhar Bron School in Zurich.
Ambitious, persevering and very charismatic, he won numerous first prizes with honors or special prizes in national (CSJM, Baroque Sion, Riviera, Bach Sion) and international competitions (RisingStar Berlin 2020+2021, and in 2021: Nouvelles Etoiles 4è, Virtuoso International Music Competition Rome, Procello online competition, France Music Competition, Online International Clara Schuman Competition, Trinity International Music Competition, King's Peak International Music Competition, International Moscow Music Competition).
In 2022, he won first prizes and special prizes at: Canadian International Music Competition, New Stars 5th, Best Classical Musicians Awards, Euro Elite International Competition, Odin International Music Competition, VI Tokyo International Music Competition, Global Genius Music Competition, European Classical Music Awards, London Young Musician LYM season 4, Online international Bach Music Competition , Universal Stars Music Competition, Maestros Vision Awards Madow, XI International Competition Città di Massa, Grand Metropolitan International Music Competition, World Classical Music Awards, USA CLASSICAL MUSIC International Competition held in MAY 2022 by IYMC, Music and Stars Awards, Las Conchillas Academy, NAVI competition, Medici Internationale Competition, Bach International Competition, Beethoven Young Musician Competition, Lugano International Music Competition, Tokyo Internationa Music Competition, Clara Schuman International Competition, String Online Competition, ECM Grand Prix 2022 and cellist of the Year).
In 2022, Lyam joined the LGT Young Soloists virtuoso ensemble and made his debut on major international stages (Vienna, Paris, Singapore, Dubai). He was also selected as an active member of the Rutesheim Cello Akademie and played at the final student concert.
Lyam attended masterclasses of great cello masters like Wen-Sinn Yang, Asier Polo, Thomas Demega, Ophélie Gaillard, Anne Gastinel, Lionel Cottet, Susan Rybiscki, Stephan Braun and Florian Favre for jazz.
Passionate about music, Lyam also plays the oboe, learns to compose and is particularly fond of jazz, Celtic music and world music in general.
Lyam Chenaux est né en Suisse en 2009, et très jeune, il choisit de jouer du violoncelle. Il montre rapidement des qualités musicales exceptionnelles, et il remporte à 8 ans, un premier prix au concours des Jeunesses Musicales Suisse. A l'âge de 9 ans, il rejoint les Ministrings du Conservatoire de Lausanne (dirigé par T. Strinning et B. Batt), ce qui lui permet de développer des capacités d'expression scénique, d'improvisation, de jazz et de se produire dans de nombreux pays.
Appréciant particulièrement les concerts publics, Lyam a eu la chance de jouer dans divers festivals et concerts de la région dès son plus jeune âge. A l'âge de 10 ans, Lyam joue pour la première fois en tant que soliste à l'Académie Somak de Bienne, avec l'Orchestre Philharmonique de Budweis, dirigé par David Svec. A cette occasion, il rencontre Denis Severin, qui est actuellement son professeur à l'école Zakhar Bron de Zurich.
Ambitieux, persévérant et très charismatique, il remporte de nombreux premiers prix avec mention ou prix spéciaux dans des concours nationaux (CSJM, Baroque Sion, Riviera, Bach Sion) et internationaux (RisingStar Berlin 2020+2021, et en 2021 : Nouvelles Etoiles 4è, Virtuoso International Music Competition Rome, concours en ligne Procello, France Music Competition, Online International Clara Schuman Competition, Trinity International Music Competition, King's Peak International Music Competition, International Moscow Music Competition, Clara Schuman International Competition)
En 2022, il a remporté des premiers prix et des prix spéciaux à : Concours international de musique du Canada, Nouvelles Etoiles 5è, Best Classical Musicians Awards, Concours international Euro Elite, Concours international de musique Odin, VIe Concours international de musique de Tokyo, Concours de musique Global Genius, European Classical Music Awards, London Young Musician LYM season 4, Online international Bach Music Competition , Universal Stars Music Competition, Maestros Vision Awards Madow, XI International Competition Città di Massa, Grand Metropolitan International Music Competition, World Classical Music Awards, USA CLASSICAL MUSIC International Competition held in MAY 2022 by IYMC, Music and Stars Awards, Las Conchillas Academy, NAVI competition, Medici Internationale Competition, Bach International Competition, Beethoven Young Musician Competition, Lugano International Music Competition, Tokyo Internationa Music Competition, Clara Schuman International Competition).
En 2022, Lyam rejoint l’ensemble de virtuoses des LGT Young soloists et fait ses début sur de grandes scènes internationales (Vienne, Paris, Singapore, Dubai). Il est en outre sélectionné comme membre actif de la Rutesheim Cello Akademie et joue au concert final des étudiants.
Lyam a suivi les masterclass de grands maîtres du violoncelle comme Wen-Sinn Yang, Asier Polo, Thomas Demega, Ophélie Gaillard, Anne Gastinel, Lionel Cottet, Susan Rybiscki Stephan Braun et Florian Favre pour le jazz.
Passionné de musique, Lyam joue également du hautbois, apprend à composer et affectionne particulièrement le jazz, la musique celtique et les musiques du monde en général.