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Breaking Boundaries: Guido Arbonelli (Trio Namaste) on Embracing Contemporary Music

Guido Arbonelli & his Trio Namaste was a Platinum Prize Winner at the 2025 World Master Open Music Competition.


Guido Arbonelli (born in Perugia, Italy) completed his studies, receiving the highest of honours at the Conservatory in Perugia. He has been a performer and soloist in Italian and foreign orchestras: Metro chamber orchestra (Brooklyn-Usa),Sanremo orchestra, Arezzo Orchestra,Guido D’Arezzo, orchestra RAI of Torin and Naples (Italy), Orchestra Sinfonica di Perugia e dell’Umbria, I Solisti di Perugia, Nis Simphony orchestra (Serbia), Stettino orchestra (Poland), Arturo Toscanini orchestra and Queen’s College orchestra (Usa), Simphony Orchestra in Constanta (Romania), Bologna Theatre Orchestra and collaborated with Teatro Lirico Sperimentale in Spoleto and CRDM. Arbonelli is currently on the faculty at the Conservatory “F. Morlacchi” in Perugia.

Arbonelli has had 700 contemporary clarinet works dedicated to him. He is also author of Teaching Methods, Arrangements and Compositions for Clarinet, and has arranged other composition.

Mr. Arbonelli has collaborated with many Italian festivals and taken part in concerts in Drexel

University (Philadelphia), Stanford University (San Francisco), Habana (Cuba), Norway (tromso

university), Croatia ( Cres festival), Iceland (Academy of arts), Argentina (Buenos Aires, Rosario, Santafè), Turkey (Halic Univertisty), Finland (Helsinky Sibelius Academy- Brinkhall Summer Concert), Libia (Leptis-Magna), Russia (Moscow Conservatory, San Petersburg Sound Way Festival), Greece (Argostoli), Slovacchia (Praga e art Academy), Hungary (Filharmonia and Academy Liszt), Cipro ( Nicosia College),Slovenia(Academy of Ljubliana), Germany (Hochschule Stoccarda - Furstenfeldbruck, Freiburg, Heilbronn, Stuttgart, Ingolstadt), England, The Netherlands (Middelburg festival), France (Bordeaux Temp’ora festival, University VIII in Paris,Musiques en Euroregion, Nuova musica Strasburgo,nuova musica in Marsiglia), Switzerland, Spain (Escena contemporanea and C.D.M.C. Madrid, Salamanca, Avila, Conservatorio Superiore Malaga),(University of Aveiro, Braganca politecnico) Portugal, Sweden (Stockholm New Music Festival, Fylkingen and Boras), Serbia (Review of Composers and NIS Symphony orchestra), Malta (Fest-Malta), Belgium (Société Royale d’Harmonie d’Anvers, Sint-Truiden, Orpheus and Antwerpen) , Brasil (Bienal international-Musica Nova), Albania (ISCM), Austria (Spectrum-Villach,Aspekte-Salzburg, Shoenberg center- Vienna),Romania "Filarmonica Mihail Jora" in Bacau, Simphonic Orch. in Constanta, University vest Timisoara, USA (New music-Miami), Chicago (Art Institute), Hartford University, Oneonta University, Baltimore (Goucher College), New York (Symphony space - Wagner College)- (Westchester College), Boston (Cyber-art), Washington (Allegamy College), New Jersey (Bergen college), Chile (University of Valparaiso), Colorado (Colorado College), China (contemporary festival Pechino), Canada (New work Calgary), Japan ( Tokyo and Kagoshima) and the Italian Institute in Turkey, Albania, Belgrade, Stockholm, Budapest, Pechino, Madrid.

He has recorded for Editoriali Scientifica, EMA Vinci, Navona records (north Hampton),

ICIA_IAEF, Innova recording (Usa), Sky, RAI international, Stradivarius, Sedam, Hyperprism,

RaiTrade, Sinfonica, Music Fund (Bratislava), Alia Music, AFM, Ipsar, Phoenix, Domani Musica,

Aliamusica, Auralit/Mnemes,Rara, Cemat, Crescendo, Extraplatte (Austria) , Rustyrecords, Pentaphon, MPA, Agenda, Pizzicato, Eridania,Egea, MPS and UK M2 ( England),Capstone and New World Records -USA and for Taukay, Australian, French, Italian, Hungarian, Dutch, Slav, Brazilian, Swedish, Maltesian, Austrian, Slovena, Israelian, California, Belgian, Rumenian, Chile, American and Canadian radios.

Editions of his music include: Carisch, Brotons & Mercadal (Spain), Sinfonica, Eridania, Map,

Santabarbara, Pagani, Pizzicato, Agenda, Lantro (Belgium), Tactus, Mnemes, Comar. His

composition “ELABORAZIONI “ for solo sax has been choosen on 2010 by FFEM France as

“imposed work” in all France music schools.

Awards: From 1984 to today, Arbonelli received first prize awards in 16 national and international competitions, among them, the latest, the 2011 INMC Award in New York. In 1995, He won the "INTERNATIONAL GAUDEAMUS PRIZE" (Rotterdam). Arbonelli also won Italian composition prizes for his works; "Images from Auschwitz" and “Tarata-ta”.In the conservatories he attended (Matera, Pesaro, Cagliari, Adria, Florence, Perugia) his students continuously won prizes in national and international competitions. About 20 prizes!!!

Can you introduce yourself and share how you got into music?

I started studying clarinet in my town's band. Then I continued at the professional conservatory of my city, Perugia (Italy).I started doing concerts sharing music with other colleagues. Then I formed the namaste trio which is made up of Natalia Benedetti, Vincenzo De Filpo and myself.

Could you tell us more about your award-winning submission? For instance, how did you prepare it, bring it to life, or any interesting stories behind it?

Your competition seemed interesting to us and even though we are old, we decided to question ourselves because music is growth! We wanted to present our classical repertoire but Natalia, the bravest one, told us "No. If they have to reward us, they have to do it by listening to contemporary music"... and the commission appreciated this. It means that they are musicians with a wide open brain. Thanks!!!!!

What do you believe defines a great Chamber Group, and how do you incorporate your unique style into your music?

We think that the musician must always be looking for new music. Ok the classic but who plays the compositions of young composers? We like this, the contact with the composer.

Can you recall a memorable moment from your career that had a significant impact on you?

Certain!!!! I am the only Italian clarinetist who won the Gaudeamus Prize in Rotterdam, the most important competition for contemporary music. Great emotion but also disappointment because you could see so many guys eliminated who were wonderful performers. An award that has "marked" my life.

Would you like to share your experience participating in our competition and anyone you'd like to thank (such as mentors, supporters or other team members)?

I would like to thank the organization. This interview is a sign of great attention towards the performers, old and young. I thank the jury who appreciated our style from the live concert. It's not easy to appreciate contemporary music. They did it. Thank you.

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